TSC has partnered with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to jointly create a fund that works pre-competitively with TSC Members and other corporates to combine their agriculture funding and then leverage federal, state and private foundation grants. This will amplify impact investment in US farms to scale conservation agriculture and boost resilience, as well as support Members’ sustainability goals.
The Resilient Agriculture Accelerator Fund (RAAF) works to strategically scale voluntary regenerative conservation agriculture on farms in the U.S. The RAAF seeks to:
Provide technical and other assistance to ranchers.
Reduce financial barriers for producers.
Support more resilient supply chains in the future.
Address the effects of climate change.

The RAAF will leverage federal, state, and private foundation funds to amplify investments and help scale up resilient agriculture. Funding will be prioritized for the following farm needs:

Technical assistance such as agronomic advice, digitizing farm data, and conservation practice implementation

Financial assistance such as co-funding for on-farm conservation practices that sequester carbon, improve wildlife habitats, and/or protect water resources
The fund also seeks to mitigate some of the up-front costs that are necessary to implement regenerative practices for dairy and row-crop farmers. In addition, the RAAF provides the opportunity to help create long-term returns for recipients who may choose to participate in emerging carbon and nutrient markets.
“This new collaboration between TSC and NFWF will bring vital financial and technical resources to farmers and farming communities as they work to adopt cost-effective conservation practices. Public-private partnerships are the key to helping agricultural producers voluntarily improve their operations while also enhancing natural resources.”
Jeff Trandahl, Executive Director and CEO of NFWF.

Strategically scale regenerative conservation agriculture on farms in the United States by removing financial barriers for producers to ensure secure and climate resilient supply chains into the future.
Resilient, regenerative U.S. supply chains that provide food security, environmental conservation, and thriving farm communities

Christy Slay

Teresa Garcia-Moore
Manager, Science & Impact

Jennifer Park
Manager, Collective Action